Through the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, the life of consecrated persons becomes a prophetic witness. Hence, they can be examples in the area of reconciliation, justice and peace, even in circumstances marked by great tension.171 Community life shows us that it is possible to live as brothers and sisters, and to be united even when coming from different ethnic or racial backgrounds (cf. Ps 133:1). It can and must enable people to see and believe that today in Africa, those men and women who follow Christ Jesus find in him the secret of living happily together: mutual love and fraternal communion, strengthened daily by the Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours.
Dear consecrated persons, may you continue to live your charism with truly apostolic zeal in the different fi elds indicated by your founders or foundresses! Thus, you will be all the more vigilant in keeping your lamps alight! Your founders and foundresses wanted to follow Christ truly and respond to his call. The different good works that
came about as a result are gems that adorn the Church. You must therefore carry them on by following as faithfully as possible the charism of your founders, their ideas and their vision. Here I would like to emphasize the important role of consecrated persons in the life of the Church and in her missionary endeavor. They are a necessary and precious aid to the Church’s pastoral activity but also a manifestation of the deepest nature of our Christian vocation.173 For this reason I invite you, dear consecrated persons, to continue in close communion with the local Church and with its head, the bishop. I also invite you to strengthen your communion with the Bishop of Rome.
Africa is the cradle of the Christian contemplative life. Present from earliest times in
North Africa, especially in Egypt and Ethiopia, it took root in sub-Saharan Africa during the last century. May the Lord bless the men and women who have decided to follow him unconditionally! Their hidden life is like leaven in the dough. Their constant prayer will sustain the apostolic efforts of the bishops, priests, other consecrated persons,
catechists and of the entire Church. The meetings of the different National
Conferences of Major Superiors and those of COMSAM help pool your reflections and resources, not only in order to pursue the goals of the various Institutes, while preserving their autonomy, character and individual spirit, but also to help deal with common concerns in a climate of fraternity and solidarity. It is fitting to foster
an ecclesial spirit based on a sound coordination and proper cooperation with the Bishops’ Conferences

- Ni ukweli usiopingika kuwa kanisa Katoliki Tanzania limekuwa kati ya wadau wakubwa wa maendeleo katika sekta ya elimu kabla na baada ya uhuru katika taifa letu. Mchango wa kanisa Katoliki katika utoaji wa huduma ya elimu umekuwa kuanzia shule za chekechea, awali, msingi, sekondari, vyuo vya ufundi stadi hadi elimu ya juu.
- Kanisa katoliki linatambua kwamba kila binadamu anahaki ya msingi ya kupata eelimu makini bila kujali itikadi za kisiasa, kidini, kijinsia, kabila au taifa. Lengo kuu la elimu Katoliki ni kumfunda mtu mzima; kiakili, kimwili, kiroho, kijamii na kimaadili, kwa kufanya hivyo, shule za kikatoliki zinawaanda vijana wa kike na kiume kwa kesho iliyo bora zaidi